Call for Submissions

Written by

Christian Solorzano


We are SUPER thrilled to announce that The Chicago Graphic Design Club will be launching a print publication aimed at celebrating and highlighting Chicago’s graphic design culture and creativity. This will be our way of documenting and strengthening our community’s talents, thoughts, and people. We are so thankful for all the support that we have received over the past three years, and this publication will become an additional extension of all that we do.


The publication will feature design writing, projects, designer spotlights, critical thinking, case studies, reviews, and more. The content will be centered around the theory, craft, and practice of graphic design, and the proceeds of the publication will go directly to supporting the mission of the Chicago Graphic Design Club’s programming.

The publication’s vision is to have each issue focus on a theme, and our inaugural theme will be: Genesis. We are beginning a new chapter of our organization, and much of this first issue’s focus will be on new beginnings, early memories, and origin stories.

Call for submissions are closed.

This publication is scheduled to be published and ready for sale by December 2023/January 2024.

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