Natural Born Creatives


As creatives, we are naturally at war with ourselves. At war with our next best idea. We have an insatiable need to close the gap between what could be, and what is. Unmotivated by traditional conventions we live to exceed expectations.

We’ve made our passion our business. How do we balance that reality with our convictions?

About Chantel Valentene

Chantel Valentene, Managing Director at Firebelly

Chantel is a Brooklyn native and self-proclaimed overachiever. The secret to her brand-building feats lie in her equal enthusiasm for design and business—and discovering the magic that lies between.

Before taking the helm at creative agency Firebelly, as Managing Director, Chantel built an impressive career in the New York fashion industry. Early on, she made a name for herself by founding and designing her own, acclaimed luxury line Resin. Pivoting into the corporate world she helped build the billion-dollar Jessica Simpson fashion empire.

Vogue has called her a ‘brainy, hustling New York City hipster’, but to better understand what makes her tick, look to her Enneagram. She exemplifies The Achiever—charismatic, energetic, accomplished, and kind. When she’s not living the hustle, you can find her feeling the beat on any dance floor, anywhere—or visiting family in Barbados, her home away from home.