REVIEWED: A Portfolio Critique

We invite you to join the Chicago Graphic Design Club, One Design Company, and Artisan Talent for REVIEWED: A Portfolio Critique.

Your portfolio is one of the most important aspects of being in the creative field. It represents you, your thinking, and your work. Do I have what I need included? Is it arranged correctly? Is it good enough? Will it help me stand out? These and hundreds of other questions enter your mind when working on yours.

This is your chance to get your portfolio reviewed and critiqued in person by industry professionals. Whether you’re an experienced designer or just starting out, this is a fantastic opportunity to show your work, receive valuable feedback from others, and converse with fellow creatives.

What to Expect

Professional Feedback
Receive constructive, one-on-one critiques with up to 2 different industry experts in two one-hour sessions.

Talk with other designers, share ideas, and expand your professional network. 

Converse with other attendees to see a diverse range of portfolios and get inspired by the creativity and talent of your peers.

Who Should Attend

This event is open to graphic designers and creatives at any stage of their career, from the experienced professional to the student just starting out.


11 – 11:30 am
Arrive, enjoy food and refreshments, and get situated and comfortable.

11:30 – 11:45 am
Introductions to REVIEWED by your hosts and reviewers.

12- 1:00 pm
First, one-on-one review sessions promptly begin at 12 pm.

1:15 pm

1:20 – 2:20 pm
Second one-on-one review sessions promptly begin at 1:15 pm

2:20 – 3:00 pm
Reflection and socializing while sharing insights and lessons learned amongst attendees and reviewers.

Due to this event’s interactivity and popularity, your attendance is expected if you register. Before the event, you will be assigned up to 2 Reviewers. If you cannot attend, please cancel your registration to allow others to register. You will receive an email a few days prior with instructions on how to best prepare for REVIEWED.

Special thanks to David Sieren of One Design Company, Mira Kida of Artisan Talent for their partnership on this event, and Cheryl Bever and Christian Solorzano of the Chicago Graphic Design Club.